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DUO - flute duet

  • Safnahúsið á Húsavík/Husavik Museum 17 Stórigarður Húsavík, Norðurþing, 640 Iceland (map)

DÚÓ - tvær flautur

Maria Grominska, flauta Anna Maria Tabaczynska, flauta

~ Prógram ~


E. Fabianska Jelinska Inspiration (2019)

A. Wyciełkowski Music for two flutes (1998)

K. Zgraja       Start Boogie ~ Duo Dance ~ Accord Impro ~ Prelude ~ Puls  (1950)

F. Lessel  Duo et Variations op. 7 na 2 flety (1805)

A. M. Tabaczynska Constellations   frumflutningur*                                                                                        

*world premiere

Maria Grominska is the first flutist of the Philharmonic Orchestra. Karol Szymanowski in Krakow, from 2020 also a doctoral student of the Academy of Music. Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Poznań, where he has been teaching since 2022. In 2018, she graduated with honors from the Academy of Music. Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz in Łódź in the flute class of Ewelina Zawiślak. A graduate of the Orchestra Academy of the National Forum of Music in Wrocław. She improved her skills under the supervision of outstanding flutists such as Mario Caroli, Janos Balint, Ashildur Haraldsdottir, Carlo Jans, Moshe Aaron Epstein, Carlos Bruneel, Wissam Boustany, Wally Hase, Jean-Michel Tanguy. She was a scholarship holder of the Marshal of the Łódź Voivodeship and the Rector of the Academy of Music in Łódź. Her virtuoso interpretations, full of emotional depth, have won the favor of international audiences and competition jurors. She is the winner of numerous awards and distinctions, e.g. 1st place at the International Competition for Wind Instruments Ventus Optimus, 3rd place at the National Wind Instruments Competition Finalis and others. In the years 2014–2019, she performed as a flutist of the Łódź Chamber Orchestra Polish Camerata and repeatedly took part in prestigious projects of youth orchestras - International Lutoslawski Youth Orchestra and I, CULTURE Orchestra. She actively performs as a soloist and chamber musician. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Fluenti Flute Ensemble.

Anna Maria Tabaczynska is a Polish flutist based in Iceland. She holds two Bachelor Degrees, one in Flute Performance from the ISSM Conservatorio Guido Cantelli di Novara, Italy, and one in Music Education from the I. J. Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań, Poland. She also holds a Master Degree in Flute Performance from the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music. From 2021-2022, Anna Maria worked as Assistant Flute Teacher in the Listahaskoli Islands in Reykjavik, Iceland. Her biggest passion is the topic of breathing techniques in the performing arts. In 2023, she graduated with a certificate to become a breath coach. Anna Maria has published articles connected to breathing and education in various magazines and books such as the “Music e-Education in the 21st Century – New Challenges and Perspectives” (2021) and “Cultural Contexts of Art Education” (2023). During her free time, she enjoys learning new languages, e.g. Polish, Italian, English, German and Icelandic, as well as ice swimming.

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